Tuesday 9 January 2024

40 years of self-sufficient living wisdom


40 years of self-sufficient living wisdom


Hey there, folks! Are you ready to turn your back on the hustle and bustle of the modern world and step into a life that is as raw and real as it gets? Buckle up, because I'm about to let you in on the secret that's had Ron and Johanna thriving in their own slice of paradise - far from the maddening crowds and so-called "conveniences" of the grid!

Imagine waking up to the sound of birds, not buzzes. To the fresh air, not fumes. To a day that's yours to shape, not a schedule's to dictate. This, my friends, is the life that Ron and Johanna have mastered, and they're spilling every bean from their bag of self-sufficient tricks—in their incredible and unique book, “The Self-Sufficient Backyard.”

Now, what if I told you that you could get your hands on over 40 years' worth of off-the-grid wisdom packed into one comprehensive blueprint? That's right! It's no mere collection of tips and tricks; it's a treasure trove of life-transforming knowledge that's been lived, breathed, and perfected through four decades of trial, error, and triumph!

We're talking about the real deal here: from spinning straw into gold—or, more practically, turning a patch of earth into a cornucopia of your own food, to harnessing the sun, wind, and rain to power your home without a single glance at that electricity bill.

Who Are Ron and Johanna

But who are Ron and Johanna, you ask? They're the epitome of "back to the land" folks who hitched their wagon to a star and let it pull them away from the grid in the swinging '70s. They didn't just dream about a life of autonomy and connection with nature; they dug their heels in and built it from the ground up. Today, they're the seasoned pros, the self-sufficiency senseis, who've found harmony with the land.

So, if the idea of canning your own preserves, building your own homestead, and saying goodbye to the daily grind gets your heart racing, then this book will be your bible, your map, and your best friend!


Are you ready to cast off the chains of cookie-cutter living and start writing your own life's prompt? Because with Ron and Johanna's insights, you're not just reading another how-to guide—you're embarking on a life-changing journey. And guess what? It is a journey that begins right in your own backyard. So, turn that page, plant that seed, and prepare to reap a life that's as rewarding as it is resilient. Let's get self-sufficient!


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